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ARCHIVE | Category: Home, Health, Life Tips

Your Primer to the Colorado Primaries

This year’s party primaries in Colorado, scheduled for Tuesday, June 26, will be historic. Why? To understand, here’s a quick primary primer. The purpose of a party primary is to pick, from a passel of potential politicos (er, candidates—sorry, I got carried away with the alliteration), the one candidate to run as the party’s candidate […]

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Meet Skills, Skills, Skills

People working at computer

You have often heard the drumbeat: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. What might set you apart in your job search is a companion drumbeat that’s getting louder by the day: Skills, Skills, Skills. With the unemployment rate in late 2017 at 2.9 percent in Colorado and 4.1 percent nationally, employers are challenged in finding the right people […]

It’s Caucus Time, Colorado

Colorado Caucus 2018 button

March 6 is precinct caucus night in Colorado. Voters affiliated as either Democrats or Republicans can participate in these party meetings. What is a caucus? A caucus is the most grassroots level of party organization. You meet with fellow party members from your neighborhood. Caucuses signal the beginning of the November 2018 election campaign. Voters […]

7 Easy Ways to Embrace the Spirit of Thanksgiving

Family and friends join together for Thanksgiving meal

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for everything you have and celebrate the simple things: family, friends, health, and happiness. Research shows that reflecting regularly on all for which you are thankful will boost your emotional well-being. You can propel your thankfulness forward, too, by showing those around you that you care about them—and […]

Top 6 Reasons Businesses Get into Trouble

drawing of a business person holding a help sign under a pile of paperwork

My teenage son has his driver’s permit. I give him pointers on keeping the vehicle between the lines and on avoiding obstacles. Unfortunately, such personalized guidance rarely exists for the entrepreneur, as evidenced by abysmal business failure rates. I consider myself an optimistic guy, but I’m more likely to talk with an entrepreneur about minimizing […]

10 Easy Stress Busters

person lying on ground relaxing

More stressed than usual? You aren’t alone. According to an American Psychological Association (APA) survey released in February 2017 called “Stressed in America,” stress is on the rise. The APA identified sources of stress, including the political climate, personal safety, police violence toward minorities, and acts of terrorism. Let’s face it, many of us stress […]

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