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ARCHIVE | Category: Home, Health, Life Tips

3 Good Reasons to Keep Reading

The time for spring break is upon us. Some will travel and some will stay put. But nearly all of us will take a break from the near-endless engagement with our textbooks.  While this break from school may be much needed, a break from reading is not.  Here are a few reasons why: Reading is […]

Favorite Wintertime Activities

With the winter weather upon us, we’ve turned to our FRCC faculty and staff for some ideas on favorite wintertime activities. Whether you’re itching to get out of the house or hunker down inside, these may give you some inspiration. Sandra Bergman: Each winter break while my kids are out of school we make a […]

Comet ISON: “Comet of the Century” or Big Fizzle?

“Comets are like cats. They do precisely what they want” –David Levy, Astronomer Sometimes, being an astronomer is a lot like being a weather forecaster. I would love to predict astronomical events with 100 percent certainty. However, experience has taught me to hedge my predictions with a healthy dose of skepticism. Halley’s Comet Was Hazardous […]

7 Simple Calorie Cutting Tips for the Holidays

The holidays have arrived once again and many of us are planning a variety of events to celebrate the season! Invariably those events will involve, if not revolve around, tasty and tempting food and drinks which may be distressing for those also wishing to manage their waistlines. Holiday weight gain—or not? Surprisingly there has been […]

What’s on the November 5th Ballot?

Yes, we are having an election this year! Although we are not electing a President, Congress, or Colorado state officials, we do get to weigh in on several important issues. And, it’s an entirely mail-in ballot election, so all you have to do is drop your ballot in the mail (don’t forget postage) or drop […]

Celebrating Deaf Awareness

In celebration of deaf awareness month, some of our American Sign Language (ASL) instructors put together this short video. Like a deaf person’s world, the video is silent. If you know ASL, you can follow along as they sign. If not, you’ll need to read the captions.

How to Find a Holistic Practitioner

Health and Wellness graphic

Have you considered using alternative and complementary care for yourself, a family member, or animal companion? Alternative and complementary practitioners are part of a very diverse group of health care systems, practices, and products that are not considered part of conventional medicine. What’s the Difference? Practitioners who practice complementary medicine also use it along with […]

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