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ARCHIVE | Category: College Faculty

A Shot in the Arm: For Normalcy’s Sake

Want to stop wearing a mask everywhere? Tired of video meetings and classes? Feel like hugging your friends and family again? Ready to go to a restaurant, concert or party without stressing? Many of us are thinking “yes” to at least one (if not all) of these questions. Back to Normal Here’s the awesome news: […]

New Vice President at FRCC’s Boulder County Campus

Aparna Palmer, PhD, joins FRCC to take on leadership role. Front Range Community College’s campus in Longmont will soon have a new vice president—Aparna Palmer, PhD. She will also oversee the college’s nearby Center for Integrated Manufacturing. As a new member of FRCC’s leadership team, Palmer brings with her more than 20 years of experience […]

Earth Day 2021

Jennifer hiking in a forest

It is hot and humid as I walk over the hilly terrain of Forest Park in St. Louis. There is a sense of excitement in the air. Chants of “Save Mother Gaia” can be heard emanating from white tents scattered throughout the park. Incense invades my nostrils. It is Earth Day. I am 17, and […]

Recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Take Back the Night (moon graphic)

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), an annual event led by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC). This campaign to educate and engage the public in addressing the widespread issue of sexual assault is now in its 20th year of spreading awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment and abuse. Its mission is […]

Nursing Students Help Vaccinate Thousands of People

FRCC Nursing Students at Vaccine Clinic

Students in FRCC’s associate degree in nursing programs are helping on the front line with COVID-19 vaccinations. Over the last couple of months, our nursing students have helped vaccinate more than 3,000 people in the communities we serve—from Denver to Fort Collins and beyond. While FRCC’s use of simulations and clinical rotations in local hospitals […]

New Vice President at FRCC’s Westminster Campus

Headshot of Tricia Johnson

Tricia Johnson, EdD, joins FRCC to take on leadership role. Front Range Community College’s campus in Westminster has a new vice president—Tricia Johnson, EdD. As a new member of the college’s leadership team, she brings with her 20 years of experience in education. She served most recently as the vice president for academic affairs at […]

FRCC Employees Honored by Community College System

Colorado Community College System icon

The pandemic has required creativity and hard work to continue helping students reach their goals. Each year, the Colorado Community College System honors some of its best and brightest faculty and staff members from colleges across the state. This year’s four honorees from Front Range Community College have worked especially hard to meet students’ needs during the […]

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