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ARCHIVE | Tag: business

SEVEN FRCC STUDENTS GET GOVERNOR’S SERVICE AWARD for providing free tax help to local families with incomes under $55,000


Westminster, Colo. –IRS-certified students helped 807 local people with their tax paperwork this year free of charge at Front Range Community College’s Westminster Campus. This assistance resulted in more than $1.4 million in federal and state tax refunds for area residents. The college’s Tax Help Colorado volunteers went above and beyond the call of duty—providing […]

Eight FRCC Students Earn Places on All-Colorado Academic Team

Eight Front Range Community College students are members of the All-Colorado Academic Team. They received medallions and other awards from the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education. The team recognizes high-achieving students who demonstrate academic excellence and intellectual rigor, combined with leadership and service that extends their education beyond the classroom to benefit […]

10 Tips to Be More Productive Each Day

As a college student, there’s a lot on your plate: homework, studying, class time, work, and making time for yourself, your family, and your friends. If you can improve your own productivity, you’ll be able to accomplish it all! Let’s get right to it. Here are 10 tips to make the most of your time […]

FRCC-Supported Program Named a “Best Practice” by National Manufacturing Extension Partnership

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The Small Manufacturer’s AdvantEDGE program—a first of its kind business assistance program—has been selected as a nationwide best practice. The program was singled out among economic development programs by the Manufacturing Extension Partnership—the manufacturing assistance arm of the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). The AdvantEDGE program connects small manufacturing companies with industry experts […]

Transformational Partnership Creates Education Without Barriers

The Northern Colorado (NoCO) Manufacturing Partnership has collaborated with FRCC to develop training designed especially for new supervisors in manufacturing—with funding through the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Since the program began in late 2016, 80 individuals from 27 different Northern Colorado Manufacturers have increased their Supervisor/Management skills by enrolling in the NoCO Manufacturing/Front Range Community […]

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