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Front Range Community College Blog

FRCC Machining Apprentice Learns while he Earns

Oliver Henry

U.S. Secretary of Labor Tom Perez recently toured manufacturing sites in Germany to observe the way manufacturers there develop a technical workforce. German manufacturing is known for its apprenticeship programs. Learning while earning “I asked one apprentice what he likes the most about his job,’ Perez wrote in a blog, “and he told me it’s […]

What is Medical Office Technology?

When you walk into your medical office or clinic, chances are you will be greeted by a member of the administrative support staff. And when you’re called into an exam room, you might see a medical assistant before you see the doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. And after you leave, someone will bill your […]

Is Grammar on Its Way Out?

In case one hasn’t noticed, grammar seems to be on the way out. Instead of nice, clean and communicative sentences, readers of all kinds are met with piles of misspelled words, strange sentence fragments, and barely recognizable abbreviations. Occasionally, this causes much chagrin among those who consider themselves grammatically correct. The curse of the emoji […]

How I Became an Engaged Learner

Last year I made up my mind to go back to school. That decision brought growth and change as well as doubt. I wasn’t sure how to set myself up for academic success and was afraid of failure. I found that engaging with my uncertainty helped me discover my passion for education. I took a […]

FRCC-Rotary Project Enriches Lives in Nepal

Students in the Nepal school.

The mission of Front Range Community College is “we enrich lives through learning.” This mission now has a long reach – all the way to Nepal. The Sri Kausika Primary School in the village of Mulghat in the district of Dhankuta caters to village children and those from surrounding villages. Its student body includes 11 […]

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