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Front Range Community College Blog

Let’s bury some community college myths

So you’re considering community college for your studies, or maybe you’ve taken several classes at one already. Or maybe you’re just thinking about it, but wondering if community college is right for you. Front Range prides itself on many things, but first and foremost, we’re proud of our dedication to helping students achieve their goals—and […]

Teacher’s trip to Africa changes my perspective

One of the great things about international travel is the new connections you can make with people. Some intrepid Colorado friends have gone to Kenya this summer to teach multimedia skills, and I’ve been following their adventure by reading their blog. In their most recent post, I get to share in their excitement in meeting […]

Family theater produces a delightful show

The Front Range Family Theatre Project has another delightful “OZ” show on the Larimer Campus Plaza this week. Enjoy these photos as a small taste of “The Royal Wedding of OZ.” “The Royal Wedding of OZ” is based on the stories of L. Frank Baum, who wrote “The Wizard of OZ.” This performance is the […]

Why college?

Whether you’re going to college to start your education, to make a career change, or for another reason entirely, you probably know by now that college is important. But why? Here are four major reasons to get a college education: You’ll become the person you want to be. College is a time for you to […]

FRCC faculty teaches students in Kenya

Brandon Berman is teaching students this summer in classrooms far from Front Range’s Westminster Campus – Meru, Kenya. Brandon is Multimedia Technology Program director at our campus. He is part of a team that left Kenya in June to teach and work creatively with students. They will be there for four weeks. Armed with laptops, […]

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