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Front Range Community College Blog

7 Simple Calorie Cutting Tips for the Holidays

The holidays have arrived once again and many of us are planning a variety of events to celebrate the season! Invariably those events will involve, if not revolve around, tasty and tempting food and drinks which may be distressing for those also wishing to manage their waistlines. Holiday weight gain—or not? Surprisingly there has been […]

What is a Learning Community?

Learning Communities (LCs) combine two regular classes into a single, shared, dynamic experience. LCs are taught by two instructors who work together to create connections between the classes. A blend of classes. My Learning Community, for example, blends College Composition and Reading (CCR 093) with Introduction to Philosophy (PHI 111). We improve our writing skills […]

Honoring Veteran Students at FRCC

In 1919, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the Allied nations and Germany finally agreed to an armistice after more than four years of fighting. Ninety-five years after the end of World War I, on November 11, we honor our American veterans who have served our country and fought […]

GED Changes: What to Expect in 2014


The clock is ticking for people to earn their GED. Adults who have passed portions of the official exam but not all of it must finish by Dec. 31, 2013, or risk losing what they have completed. They will have to start over. If you’ve started the GED tests, keep going. You’re well on your […]

FRCC Student Elected to Represent Community College Students at Colorado Commission on Higher Education

Taryn Flack

Taryn Flack, a Front Range Community College student, has been elected the Legislative Liaison for the State Student Advisory Board (SSAC). This position represents all 135,000 community college students at the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Flack will work with Dr. Nancy McCallin, Colorado Community College president, and CCCS college presidents to advocate for students […]

From Horse Training to Sociology

Kelly Mason-Davis

Kelly Mason-Davis has taught others throughout much of her life—but she didn’t set foot in the traditional classroom until 2007, at the age of 31. The Boulder Native’s First Love was Horses Her father ran a ranch and her mother was a horse enthusiast. Although Kelly started out at Colorado State University and completed several […]

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