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Front Range Community College Blog

The Note Taking Survival Kit

One of the most vivid memories I have about college was having frequent thoughts of, “I wish the instructor would slow down! I can’t write fast enough!” This would then lead to anxiety and frustration as I could never be as accurate as a tape recorder. Little did I know back then that I didn’t […]

Celebrating Deaf Awareness

In celebration of deaf awareness month, some of our American Sign Language (ASL) instructors put together this short video. Like a deaf person’s world, the video is silent. If you know ASL, you can follow along as they sign. If not, you’ll need to read the captions.

Get Help in Your College Classes

How has the semester started off? Have you found your routine and balance with classes, work, and life in general? Are you familiar with all of the resources that exist to help you be successful in your studies? From tutoring to brainstorming paper topics to academic success coaching and workshops, there are a number of […]

Scholarships: Thinking Outside the Box

Here is a list of unique opportunities for scholarships that will help keep your creative mind sharp, and the best part, they are open to community college students. Take a look, practice your writing skills and you could win some scholarships! Do you like to write? Scholarship Experts holds monthly essay writing contests on a […]

Cartographer Returns for Associate Degree

Chad Garfield

It was a meeting as comfortable as when friends get together. Colin Garfield met up with FRCC faculty Chad Kerst. It was former student and professor, each interested in each other’s lives. Praise for Philosophy Faculty Chad Kerst After he graduated from Front Range, Colin wrote an email to President Andy Dorsey about the great […]

Librarians as Library Instructors

What used to be a quick tour around the library and being shown how to use the card catalog has changed. Digital and print information are equally important to success in college and in daily life, and the library is still the place to get comprehensive help with any kind of research, from papers for […]

How to Find Scholarships

So, you’d like to apply for scholarships, but the idea of getting started overwhelms you. What’s the best approach that will give you a better chance of actually receiving scholarship money? I recently talked with Kevin Ladd, vice president of Scholarships.com, a free college scholarship search and financial aid information resource. Kevin had several ideas […]

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