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ARCHIVE | Category: College

Good Advice to Rock Your Finals

College finals are stressful. I asked my Facebook friends to send notes to our students as they prepare to take their finals. I received thoughtful responses from all over the world. Where I come from, it truly takes a village. It’s not just a saying. Here is some good energy for students everywhere. Do what […]

We Answer Your Questions about Transferring

college buildings with arrows

If you a student or potential student planning to transfer to a four-year college or university, we know you have questions. Here’s the great news: Many FRCC students intend to transfer and earn their bachelor’s degrees, so we make the process smooth and streamlined. Here are several frequently asked questions to guide you. What is […]

4 Ways to Learn about a College

Though I’m a millennial, my college search started back when Facebook was open to college students only. I remember watching VHS tapes to get a sense of what colleges were like. I was so overwhelmed, I ended up choosing a college based on meeting with an admissions representative who said that I could be admitted […]

7 Things to Keep in Mind About Student Loans

You’ve probably heard that borrowing money to pay for college is something lots of students do, but it’s important to understand what you’re getting into. Yes, taking out loans to fund school is fine. Yes, a college education is worth the investment—even if you borrow. But think before you accept the entire amount of all […]

Not All Good Jobs Require a Bachelor’s Degree

Jobs ahead sign

Not to denigrate bachelor’s degrees – I’ve got one – but there are 30 million good jobs nationally that don’t require one, a recent report from the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University indicates. This report – Good Jobs that Pay Without a BA – adds some fodder and solid research to […]

4 Great Ways to Remember What You Learn

woman student studying at a library

Studying is a big part of college, but it can be difficult to make things stick when you’re trying to remember information for multiple classes. Like most endeavors, practice makes perfect. Here are four tips to improve your memory while studying for a test or quiz, or simply to prepare for tomorrow’s class: Set up […]

Must-Use Resources for College Students

WC- Library

Coming into Front Range Community College (FRCC) for the first time I was unaware of the vast amount of resources that were available to me as a student. Walking around campus and actually paying attention to my surroundings, noticing signs hung up on bulletin boards, Student Life, followed by the incredible amount of staff willing […]

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