Hundreds of children — and many adults — enjoyed Halloween carnivals at the Westminster and Larimer campuses of Front Range. Sandra Bergman and I wanted to share some photos of the events. Our thanks to the student organizations that work hard to provide these annual events for students and community residents alike.
Halloween Carnival in Fort Collins
Thanks to Student Life and FRCC Clubs and Organizations for sponsoring the carnival, in partnership with students in the Planning for Special Events class of the Hospitality and Culinary Arts Management Program.
Halloween Hopscotch and bowling were among the carnival games.
Fortune-telling — all in fun!
Face painting, too!
Colorful costumes added to the Halloween spirit.
Westminster Halloween Carnival
Thanks to the Westminster Campus chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for community colleges, for sponsoring the carnival. And thank you to all the volunteers!
Kids of all ages took part in the fun.
Kids enjoyed many games, including putt-putt and a cupcake walk.
Eagerly awaiting the results of the costume contest!
Did you attend one of these carnivals? What was your favorite part?