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ARCHIVE | Year: 2013

What Does It Mean to be Linkedin?

Have you ever Googled your name? If not, do it now. What do you see? Are you represented as you would hope? What would a potential employer think of you? Research has shown (infographic) that 1 in 3 employers reject you due to something they found online. With our world moving online, it has become […]

Career Fairs: How to Prepare

At some point in your college career you will begin thinking about employment…that pesky thing we all need before we begin making money. The hunt for employment can be a daunting and frustrating task, especially when you don’t know where to begin. Luckily, college students and others have opportunities to speak with employers directly, with […]

Nurses Exemplify “Doing for Others”

Early historical records of nursing as we know it describes nurses serving in a volunteer capacity through the early church. This legacy of service is timeless considering the current educational model of “Service Learning.” Service learning is a tool being encouraged in learning institutions, and is based on the premise that classroom learning is enhanced […]

Hot Jobs You Might Not Know About

The high unemployment rate probably makes everyone nervous, but it can be particularly stressful if you’re trying to make a decision about your course of study in college. No one wants to invest a lot of time and money into a profession that is in a slump. Even though we can’t be 100% certain about […]

Combining Passions for Math and Teaching

David Platt

David Platt has loved mathematics for as long as he can remember, but he didn’t discover his love of teaching until his first experience as a student teacher. “My very first class was full of students who were eager to learn, and I was hooked after that,” says David. “My two greatest loves are solving […]

Being Successful: Why It Isn’t Easy

Text graphic which adds together Think + Idea + Try + Do + Do Again + and Again + Keep on Doing equals Success

We all have different roles besides being college students. Some of us are mothers, others are fathers, we are employees, as well as employers. We are all different in some ways, but we all have one thing in common: we want to be successful at Front Range Community College. Be Extraordinary, Rather than Ordinary The […]

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