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ARCHIVE | Year: 2013

Science Building at FRCC Campus in Fort Collins Awarded LEED Gold Certification

The Sunlight Peak science building at Front Range Community College has received LEED Gold Certification. LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is an internationally recognized mark of excellence that measures green-building design, construction, operations, and maintenance. Sunlight Peak opened in 2010 on the Larimer Campus in Fort Collins. At almost 32,000 square feet, […]

Planner Apps for Students

As a student, the importance of managing your schedule, organizing your life, and staying on task cannot be understated—but putting those good habits into practice may be a little easier said than done. The good news? We live in the digital age, where technology makes so many things easier, including time management. Here are a […]

Living the American Dream

Roberto Arrece-Toro

Roberto came to the United States from Peru in 2002 to live the American Dream. “Since I came to this country,” he says, “I’ve moved up. I’m trying to be a professional and get a decent job.” Studying CIS To live the American Dream, Roberto learned English through the adult education program at the St. […]

Repaying Student Loans

Almost 60% of students today have borrowed an education loan to help pay for college. Currently, there is between $902 billion and $1 trillion in outstanding education loan debt among American students. If you or someone you know has participated in the Federal education loan program(s), you’ve come to the right place to learn about […]

The Note Taking Survival Kit

One of the most vivid memories I have about college was having frequent thoughts of, “I wish the instructor would slow down! I can’t write fast enough!” This would then lead to anxiety and frustration as I could never be as accurate as a tape recorder. Little did I know back then that I didn’t […]

Celebrating Deaf Awareness

In celebration of deaf awareness month, some of our American Sign Language (ASL) instructors put together this short video. Like a deaf person’s world, the video is silent. If you know ASL, you can follow along as they sign. If not, you’ll need to read the captions.

Get Help in Your College Classes

How has the semester started off? Have you found your routine and balance with classes, work, and life in general? Are you familiar with all of the resources that exist to help you be successful in your studies? From tutoring to brainstorming paper topics to academic success coaching and workshops, there are a number of […]

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