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ARCHIVE | Tag: summer registration

Eight Great Reasons to Take Summer Classes

Now that the school year has ended, you’re probably ready for a break—and understandably! Summer is the time when college students can, and should, take a breather to recharge their batteries. Especially when you consider the ups and downs of the last year (which was probably the most unique school year in history). But if […]

Sunshine + Textbooks = Closer to Graduation

Your Goals are Closer than You Think

Summer is my favorite time of year in Colorado. There’s always so much more to when the days are longer and the warm weather draws me outside. Summer can also be great opportunity to take an additional class or two. This is particularly important if you need to catch up on a few classes from […]

8 Reasons to Take Summer Classes

The warmer weather is a reminder that summer is just around the corner! With summer comes lots of opportunities to embrace all that Colorado has to offer—outdoor adventures, trips to the mountains, concerts, and plenty of sunshine. But have you ever thought about taking a summer class or two as an option? Here are eight […]

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