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ARCHIVE | Tag: health

Discover FRCC’s Dental Assisting Program

At the Larimer Campus of FRCC, students interested in starting a new healthcare-focused career quickly without prior training can earn a certificate in Dental Assisting in as little as a year. “It’s a rigorous program, but students who choose the accelerated option can finish in two semesters by taking 24 credits in the first semester, […]

13 Key Industries in Colorado

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You might have heard that Colorado’s job market is strong and that unemployment is impressively low (2.7%, in fact). That means there are a lot of job opportunities in the state—and potential career paths to consider. But maybe you want to know more specifics. What are the big industries fueling our economy? Where are we […]

College to Break Ground on New Health Care Careers Center

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Fort Collins, Colo. – Front Range Community College (FRCC) is building a two-story, 61,000 square-foot Health Care Careers Center (HCCC) to address key healthcare workforce needs in northern Colorado. The HCCC will provide a centralized, technology-rich learning environment within a state-of-the-art facility for all of the college’s health and nursing programs. The new building will […]

To Snack or Not to Snack?

A snack is considered a small amount of food eaten between meals. Americans are snacking at higher rates than ever. According to the USDA’s food surveys of Americans, both the amount of snacking and the caloric density of the snacks has increased since 1977. It is estimated that 84% of adults snack which provides about […]

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