Ryan Herman was heading back to Korea to teach English when a friend reminded him of an earlier love – web development and computer coding. “I’ve always had interests in a wide variety of areas,” Ryan says. “When I went to college I was a computer science major. Then I switched to biochemistry before ending […]
What is a Machinist?
Are you looking for a great career with interesting work, good pay and above all, lifetime job security? You can’t do much better than becoming a precision machinist. Because of the aging of the workforce and the recent trend bringing lots of manufacturing work back to the United States, local and national companies have a […]
Horticulture Field Trip Helped Form Student’s Career Goal
All it took was a tour of what’s known in Fort Collins as the National Seed Storage Lab for Amy Vogt to formulate her career goal: I want to work there. And so she does, even before completing her Associate of Applied Science degree in Horticulture and Landscape Technology at Front Range Community College. What’s […]
Learning Communities: Your Questions Answered
What is a learning community? This short video explains it all. How are the classes taught? Both learning community instructors participate and support student success in both classes. Classes are scheduled back to back for the same amount of time that they would be if offered separately. Here’s an example: In an ENG/BIO learning community, […]
Women Warriors Documentary: Part Two
After 11 weeks of working on post-production, our documentary is getting closer and closer to being finished. At the time of this writing, all of the animations and photos for the narrative portion of the project are on track, with the interview sections and background music nearly complete as well. Our instructor, Brandon Berman, has […]
How to De-Stress During Finals
It always seems “finals” and “stress” go hand in hand. Juggling a week full of exams, papers and projects can feel overwhelming, yet there are ways to combat such feelings so you can perform your best as you finish out the semester! Sleep and Eat Right It’s amazing how we tend to treat ourselves the […]
Think Online Classes May Be For You? Take This Quiz.
Online classes emphasize different skills and create a different experience for students as compared to classroom-based courses. FRCC offers more than 350 online classes. Take this quiz and see if online classes may work for you.
How to Balance School, Work and Life
The sound of the alarm rings at 6 a.m. There are children to feed, schedules to consider, and homework to be turned in before midnight. The laundry is piling up as the memory of the project at work that is due on Friday comes to mind. This is a typical morning of many non-traditional college […]