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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

New Greenhouse Supports Horticulture Programs

A new building at the Westminster Campus has students asking a question that gets to the root of the horticulture programs at FRCC: “When do we get to go into the greenhouse?” The 2,000-square-foot greenhouse had its maiden voyage during the middle portion of the fall 2015 semester. Now, with thoughts on spring and the […]

Take Care of Your Heart All Year

February is Heart Month, but you should take care of your heart year-round. These are my top three ways to stay heart-healthy. Anything I share with students or write about is truly self-advice and self-reflection. I hope some of these thoughts may resonate with you. Be Present. Be present in your choices and reactions. Be present […]

College Goal Sunday 2016: Get Help With the FAFSA

Would you like help paying for college? Who wouldn’t? Your attention might be focused on filing your income tax return, but if you or dependents will be going to college in August, you should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid – the FAFSA – separate applications for each student, including yourself. Sunday, February […]

College as an Adult Student

So you’ve decided to go back to school. For whatever reason it didn’t work out in your late teens or twenties: kids, work, finances. Here you are, walking into a college for the first time in 17 years, or maybe the first time ever. Maybe your classmates are close to your kids’ ages. They dress […]

Why I Chose FRCC: A Student’s Perspective

Early in their senior year of high school, or perhaps earlier, many students begin deciding where they will start their college career. Not me. I never thought about college until two months before graduation. Graduating and Clueless I always knew that I wanted to grow up, get a great education, and have a great career, […]

3D Printing Offers CAD Students More Opportunity

With 3D printing really taking off, Claudia Romero, program director for Computer-Aided Drafting and Design (CAD) at FRCC’s Larimer Campus, can say, “Yes, we do that. In a big way.” New space, bigger space CAD moved into bigger quarters at the Larimer Campus with the opening in August of newly renovated Redcloud Peak, one of […]

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