Martin Luther King: Still an “Inconvenient Hero?”

As we honor the late Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., on January 20, it seems particularly appropriate to reconsider King’s vision for our nation.
As we honor the late Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., on January 20, it seems particularly appropriate to reconsider King’s vision for our nation.
Roberto Clemente, devoted human rights activist and baseball superstar, demonstrates how African American history can be multi-ethnic and international.
Former slaves made education a top priority. African American history has been of particular interest to me since my days as an undergraduate student back in the 1980s. I have facilitated the observance of Black History Month every February since being hired at FRCC in 1998. Eventually my enthusiasm for the topic convinced me to […]
After a year of research in Zambia funded by a Fulbright grant, my wife, Heather, and I returned to Colorado in 2006 and settled back into the routine of life in Longmont, raising our daughter, Ellen. While Heather stayed home and did the real work, I taught history as a faculty member at Front Range […]
No one has taught me more about the struggle for human rights than Cesar Chavez. March 31 was Cesar Chavez Day in Colorado (and several other states). The great Mexican-American labor leader and human rights activist was not someone familiar to me while growing up on the East Coast, but soon after moving to Boulder […]