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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

What is Career and Technical Education?

Nearly 90 percent of certificates and half of associate degrees awarded in the U.S. are in career and technical education, the American Association of Community Colleges reports. Commonly referred to as CTE, EdWeek succinctly describes CTE classes as those designed to prepare students for work. While many fields require or strongly prefer workers who hold […]

FRCC, CSU Build Transfer Bridge for STEM Students

University transfer track

While many students entering community college aim to earn a bachelor’s degree, only a relatively small portion of these students transfer and go on to do so successfully within six years. Therefore, faculty and staff must create opportunities to clarify paths toward student end goals and establish transfer pathways through alignment of learning outcomes, program […]

1968 – Watershed for Change

Assassins took the lives of political revolutionaries Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy. Protests emerged in nearly every major city of the United States to draw attention to racial, gender, and political issues. Two black athletes were expelled from the Olympic Games for raising their fists as a salute for equality and human […]

History of Westminster Campus

The Early Years From the years 1968 to 1977, the Community College of Denver-North (CCDN) held classes in a variety of locations and temporary structures (for more information on how CCDN became FRCC, check out FRCC Celebrates 50 Years). After some initial planning for a new location to accommodate the immense growth of the college […]

Credit vs. Non-Credit: What’s the Difference?

At Front Range Community College and many other colleges, some courses are for credit and some are non-credit. What’s the difference? Credit Classes When you see “credit,” think academics. At FRCC and elsewhere, most credit courses are applicable to a degree or certificate. Most, but not all. Classes below the 100 level may say they […]

Transformational Partnership Creates Education Without Barriers

The Northern Colorado (NoCO) Manufacturing Partnership has collaborated with FRCC to develop training designed especially for new supervisors in manufacturing—with funding through the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Since the program began in late 2016, 80 individuals from 27 different Northern Colorado Manufacturers have increased their Supervisor/Management skills by enrolling in the NoCO Manufacturing/Front Range Community […]

7 Tips to Make the Most of College

It’s time to put on that backpack and head to your first college class. Maybe you’ve been preparing for this day for a long time, or maybe you’re nervous about what’s to come. Either way, take a peek at this checklist to make sure you’re ready to go—and ready to make the experience the best […]

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