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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

Five Study Tips to Help You Succeed in College

Man studying

Most college students know that going to class and studying are essential for earning good grades and getting the most out of college. But exactly how should you study? Hint: Ditch the highlighters and embrace methods that are proven to guide students toward academic success. Here are five study tips that will help you master […]

Six Things to Do When College Gets Hard

Nobody ever said college would be easy! There are times you will feel stressed, lost, and overwhelmed. Here’s the good news: You’re not the first student to have these feelings. And even more important, you can get through anything if you embrace the right mindset. Here are six tips on how to push through hard […]

10 Tips to Be More Productive Each Day

As a college student, there’s a lot on your plate: homework, studying, class time, work, and making time for yourself, your family, and your friends. If you can improve your own productivity, you’ll be able to accomplish it all! Let’s get right to it. Here are 10 tips to make the most of your time […]

What is an A.A. Degree?

It’s the first day of New Student Orientation, and as I look over the crowd of eager and excited students I can’t help but feel that a sense of anxiety sits on their minds. In fact, I can almost feel it as I remember what it was like to be in their shoes, not knowing […]

Why Meet with an Academic Advisor?

As a first generation college student, I did not understand the value of meeting with an academic advisor until I needed to declare a major and discuss my courses. Being first generation, I felt ashamed for asking questions and not knowing what I need to do. Not until I felt lost did I accept that […]

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