Summer Tech Internships Prepare Students for College and Careers

P-TECH students complete college-level courses in high school. They can earn their diploma + an associate degree in computer info systems from FRCC—at no cost to the student.
P-TECH students complete college-level courses in high school. They can earn their diploma + an associate degree in computer info systems from FRCC—at no cost to the student.
Major federal funding will boost FRCC’s optics technology program to help staff Colorado’s high-tech manufacturing industry.
The National Institute for Automotive Service has granted FRCC’s automotive program reaccreditation after a rigorous review process.
The Gene Haas Foundation has awarded FRCC $17,500 in grants to support student scholarships and other program needs at the college’s Center for Integrated Manufacturing.
Kevin struggled with anxiety in high school and almost didn’t graduate with his class. Starting college at FRCC gave him the support he needed to succeed.
Zoey never thought she’d go to college. Working full time, unsure of her path and barely making ends meet, she felt stuck . Then she found a community—and her path—at FRCC.
Getting involved in activities at school was critical for Monica Martinez from an early age. She chose to attend FRCC for her first two years of college because it costs significantly less than a four-year university. But she also wanted all the campus involvement opportunities of a bigger school.
An early stint at a private college landed Emily Kramer in serious debt. FRCC helped her find a new path to becoming a research scientist.