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ARCHIVE | Category: Non-Traditional College Students

Reinventing Yourself as a 40-Something

Gerry Cordutsky was in his early 40s when he was laid off from his job as an electrical engineer. “There were not a whole lot of opportunities in my niche area,” he says. “I needed to reinvent myself. I wanted something I would be interested in and that there was a market for.” Pharmacology fit […]

From Teen Mother to College Graduate

FRCC graduate, Michelle Finch

At the age of 16, Michelle Finch had her first child. It was the best thing that ever happened to her. “I was going down a bad path, and having a child truly changed my life for the positive,” says Michelle. “I started thinking about my baby and what I wanted for our future.” Michelle’s […]

Believe it: You CAN Go Back to College!

Text that says, Yes! you can.

As we approach a brand new semester, you might have some concerns about returning to school, whether you’re starting up this month or are thinking about doing so in the near future. I know how scary it can be for students to go to college, but I have seen so many students overcome big obstacles […]

The Joy of Being Non-Traditional

Hello, my name is Kaia and I am a “non-traditional” student. Doesn’t that sound just awful? I have never met a phrase with such inherent judgment as “non-traditional student.” Even when I hear it from others it leaves me wondering what mistakes were made to land here, in a community college, non-traditionally. This stigma is, […]

Honoring Veteran Students at FRCC

In 1919, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the Allied nations and Germany finally agreed to an armistice after more than four years of fighting. Ninety-five years after the end of World War I, on November 11, we honor our American veterans who have served our country and fought […]

GED Changes: What to Expect in 2014


The clock is ticking for people to earn their GED. Adults who have passed portions of the official exam but not all of it must finish by Dec. 31, 2013, or risk losing what they have completed. They will have to start over. If you’ve started the GED tests, keep going. You’re well on your […]

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