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ARCHIVE | Category: College

How to Reinvigorate Your Motivation

Many college students have been there before: You’re overwhelmed with school and everything else in your life. Maybe the problem is new to you, and you’ve “lost steam” for a reason you can’t exactly pinpoint. Or maybe you’ve become discouraged with one or more classes and have fallen into a rut. Whatever the case, it’s […]

What is Public Safety Dispatch?

When someone calls 911, the call is answered by a public safety dispatcher who immediately becomes a lifeline to the caller who may be experiencing the worst day of his or her life. It takes a special person with special skills to be a public safety dispatcher. If you are that person, emergency services agencies […]

History of FRCC’s Brighton Center

The Brighton Center is a satellite facility of the Westminster Campus. The center offers developmental studies, general education, and business classes for student who want to complete and Associate of Arts degree or fulfill prerequisites for another program. But it wasn’t always here. It Takes a Partnership Plans to locate an FRCC center in Brighton […]

What is Career and Technical Education?

Nearly 90 percent of certificates and half of associate degrees awarded in the U.S. are in career and technical education, the American Association of Community Colleges reports. Commonly referred to as CTE, EdWeek succinctly describes CTE classes as those designed to prepare students for work. While many fields require or strongly prefer workers who hold […]

FRCC, CSU Build Transfer Bridge for STEM Students

University transfer track

While many students entering community college aim to earn a bachelor’s degree, only a relatively small portion of these students transfer and go on to do so successfully within six years. Therefore, faculty and staff must create opportunities to clarify paths toward student end goals and establish transfer pathways through alignment of learning outcomes, program […]

1968 – Watershed for Change

Assassins took the lives of political revolutionaries Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy. Protests emerged in nearly every major city of the United States to draw attention to racial, gender, and political issues. Two black athletes were expelled from the Olympic Games for raising their fists as a salute for equality and human […]

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