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ARCHIVE | Author: Michaele Charles

Tips for Setting SMART Goals


A brand-new year has just begun, which presents a brand-new opportunity for you to set goals to make 2020 productive and successful. If you’re serious about achieving something this year, your process matters—make it SMART! Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. First, let’s define each of these terms: Specific Make your […]

Holiday Traditions Around the World

Gift box

It’s the holiday season—which for many of us means festive décor, cozy fires, gifts and family. In the U.S., many people hang wreaths, decorate trees, and shop for gifts to exchange with loved ones (and for Secret Santa gift swaps at the office). According to a Pew Research Center study, nine in 10 Americans celebrate Christmas as […]

How Your Academic Advisor Can Help You

There’s so much to think about when you first enroll at a new college: what classes to take, what careers you’d like to explore, how to achieve your goals, and much more. An academic advisor can help you navigate all of these decisions and more. Here at FRCC, we call these folks Pathways Advisors—because they […]

13 Key Industries in Colorado

Jobs ahead sign

You might have heard that Colorado’s job market is strong and that unemployment is impressively low (2.7%, in fact). That means there are a lot of job opportunities in the state—and potential career paths to consider. But maybe you want to know more specifics. What are the big industries fueling our economy? Where are we […]

What Can You Do with an Optics Technology Certificate?

man using optics equipment

As you’ve probably heard us mention before, Colorado’s manufacturing industry is booming unlike ever before. To respond to the needs of industry—and help our students train for these good jobs—FRCC opened the Center for Integrated Manufacturing in Longmont, which greatly expands local training options in manufacturing. There are four programs within the center, one of […]

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