Juliana headshot

Hi! I’m Juliana Henao Cardona, but you can call me Juli (pronounced HOO-lee). I’m a web and graphic design student in the multimedia technology program at FRCC, and this is my last semester!

Before diving into design, I earned a degree in international business with an emphasis in digital and targeted marketing in Colombia. I’m originally from Medellín, the city of eternal spring!

I’m an outdoor enthusiast who loves camping, mountain biking, hiking and snowboarding. A good cup of coffee is my go-to hot drink. I also have a passion for trying new foods and traveling to new places with great company.

Finding a Creative Career

Juliana in a shawl sitting outside with a cup of coffee

While I enjoyed working in business and marketing, I always had a strong desire to express my artistic ideas and creativity. That led me to move to the US to pursue a career in design.

The first time I lived in Colorado, I fell in love with the mountains, the hikes, the lakes— basically everything outdoorsy. So, here I am, chasing a career in a place that inspires me.

Hands-On, Real-World Work

One of the most exciting opportunities I had at FRCC was collaborating with Mental Health Colorado (MHC), a nonprofit dedicated to promoting mental well-being across the state. My professor and mentor, Blake Welch, reached out to me about joining a team to create MHC’s 2024 annual report.

Without hesitation, I said yes—because that’s just who I am. I dive into opportunities headfirst, sometimes realizing later that I’ve made myself incredibly busy. But honestly, I love that feeling, especially when I’m pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.

Diving In Headfirst

I got to work alongside an experienced FRCC employee—and graphic design alumna—Sara Kimbrough, who taught me so much throughout the process. We started by meeting with leaders from MHC to understand their vision, brainstorm ideas and set deadlines.

I quickly realized that laying a strong foundation for a project is just as important as the final design. It makes everything smoother and helps designers manage their time efficiently.

An Iterative Process

After that initial brainstorming phase, Sara and I developed different design proposals based on MHC’s expectations and presented them in follow up meetings. There was plenty of back-and-forth discussion, refining our ideas to ensure they aligned with MHC’s needs.

Once the final concept was chosen, our job as designers was to transform it into an engaging, aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-navigate layout that conveys all the information clearly.

Finalizing the Product

The design process included creating a structured layout, illustrating icons, strategically placing images to enhance the content, selecting the right typography. And of course, we revised the document over and over again until everything looked good and ready for print.

After three months of hard work, we had our final in-person meeting with the MHC team. Until then, all our meetings had been remote, so getting to connect face-to-face and reflect on the experience was truly rewarding.

Learning From the Pros

I loved every part of this project. Learning from experienced professionals gave me new insights, and having Blake as a mentor was invaluable. I’m incredibly grateful for his guidance.

And working closely with Sara was an amazing learning experience—we had so many extra meetings outside of our scheduled ones, problem-solving and making critical decisions. She was so patient, shared so much of her own knowledge and supported me throughout the process.

What’s Next for Me?

My goal after graduating this May is to land an internship that helps me discover which career path truly fulfills me. Eventually, I hope to travel for work, inspire others and share my knowledge and experiences, not just in design and business, but also in navigating life as an immigrant.

Getting to where I am now hasn’t been easy. It’s been a challenge, but that’s what has made it so rewarding.

My experience at FRCC—and on this project in particular—was everything I could have hoped for: a chance to develop ideas, collaborate with talented people, learn more about the industry, and create a strong portfolio piece. I truly appreciate Front Range for providing opportunities like this, allowing students to gain hands-on experience and apply their skills in real-world projects.

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