woman smiling at the camera with her hand over her heart

Front Range Community College students in history, women and gender studies, and multimedia graphic design classes are sharing the stories of local Black women from around Colorado’s Front Range through a multimedia exhibition, which opens April 15 at the college’s Boulder County Campus.

The students worked under the direction of faculty members Mary Ann Grim (women’s history), Catlyn Keenan (women’s sexuality) and Lisa Myklak (graphic design) to produce this collaborative, interdisciplinary service-learning project called Reconstructing the Past.

Students were assigned to teams that included individuals from all three disciplines. The women’s sexuality and women in US history students wrote oral histories of the interviews – portions of these histories are included in the art installations. Multimedia graphic design students took photographs of the subjects, which will be on display as well.

Join us for the opening of our Reconstructing the Past exhibit!


April 15  |  4-7 PM


Community Room

FRCC’s Boulder County Campus

2121 Miller Drive in Longmont

The exhibit will be on display until the end of April. Then it will move to the College Hill Library, 3705 W 112th Avenue in Westminster, where it will be displayed over the summer.

Admission is free. Students who participated will attend the exhibitions to share their thoughts and answer questions about their work. The women who shared their stories, families and friends are invited to attend as special guests.

At the event, prints of the photographs and the complete oral histories are given to the individuals who were interviewed for this project.

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