FRCC Stands With Ukraine

In recent days, the world has witnessed the Russian military launch a full-scale invasion into Ukraine. We at FRCC stand with the Ukrainian people.
In recent days, the world has witnessed the Russian military launch a full-scale invasion into Ukraine. We at FRCC stand with the Ukrainian people.
Join us for an analysis of the crisis in Ukraine with FRCC faculty member Ian Feinhandler, PhD. Dr. Ian Feinhandler, geography faculty member at Front Range Community College, will present an analysis of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In his talk, he’ll explore the Russian security concerns that led to the invasion of Ukraine. Feinhandler […]
You may know Rosa Parks as the Black woman who sat down on a bus and refused to give up her seat to a white man. But Parks was also an anti-rape activist.
We want our students and employees to know that, during these most challenging times, CCCS stands with our students. Please know you have our full support.
TRIO programs support students who come from limited-income families, are first generation college students, or have a documented disability.
Celebrate Women’s History Month with this portrayal of Colorado’s Rosie the Riveter! Learn about the contributions that women made to World War II efforts.
As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to look to our past—as well as to the future. Read about the achievements of these great Black Americans.
Supplemental Instruction is an academic support program available in certain classes at FRCC. Students get help from a peer who has done well in the class.