So, your circumstances or schedule led you to begin college in the spring semester? Congratulations—we’re so glad you’re here!
A midyear start might be a little quieter than the typical fall semester—but don’t worry, you’ll still get all the same resources and support services.
Here are several tips to be successful here at FRCC in 2022 and beyond!
Get Familiar With Your Surroundings
Know where your classes are located and where you’re going before the first day of class. Come to campus early to walk around and get comfortable with where things are. Here are directions to our campuses and maps for once you arrive.
If you’re driving to campus, make sure you’re familiar with the best places to park to get to your classes, and that you feel comfortable finding buildings and classrooms.
Attend New Student Orientation (NSO)
There’s an NSO specifically for spring semester students, and you should definitely attend. This is a great way to get a tour of campus, says Sarah Lindahl, assistant director of student life at FRCC’s Larimer Campus. You can get the rundown of the tools and resources that will help you navigate the college experience.
“Through our NSO, you can learn about your Career and Academic Community, which is specific to your academic field of study,” Sarah adds. “You can also learn how to get involved as a student, and lots more.”
She adds that students can take virtual or in-person campus tours outside of NSO through the Admissions and Outreach Office. Find out more about NSO here.
Reach Out to Your Advisor Early On
If you haven’t already, make sure you reach out to your academic advisor before you get too far into the semester. They’ll help you make sure you’re on the right path, and that you don’t miss any important deadlines.
Advisors go over everything from choosing the right classes to transferring to a four-year school (if that’s your goal) to academic planning, goal setting and career exploration. Learn more about academic advising.
Get Familiar With the Helpful Resources on Campus
There’s support available to students around every corner, according to Heather Frost, director of the Academic Success Center at FRCC’s Boulder County Campus. “There is tutoring, the Math Lab, the Writing Center, Disability Support Services, supplemental instruction and much more,” she says.
“Know that you have academic support for most classes. Don’t hesitate to ask for support—because the longer you wait, you further behind you may get. We are here to support your success at FRCC.” Discover the academic support centers with resources for students.
Make Connections
The effort to get to know instructors and classmates is proven to make a difference in helping students successfully get to graduation. Build a network with people in your classes, even if it’s introducing yourself to one or two other students, and periodically attending your professors’ office hours.
If your life outside of college is your primary focus, that’s totally OK. But it’s still important to make connections with your teachers, staff and other students. You might need a study partner or a friend when things get difficult. Research shows that being part of the college community actually helps students succeed.
Get Involved to Enjoy the College Experience
“Especially when starting in January, it’s easy to just want to hit the ground running,” Heather says. “We remind students: There’s more to college than just taking classes.”
“Explore the student organizations and clubs—and join something that piques your interest,” she suggests. Heather also recommends checking your FRCC email regularly (every day, if possible) to keep tabs on events going on around the college. It only takes a couple of minutes and can really help you to know what’s going on.
This month, be sure to explore FRCC’s Wolf Welcome events at each campus, which are meant to ease your transition into college. Learn more about getting involved on campus here.
Remember Why You’re Here
You’re at FRCC for a reason. Always keep that purpose at the top of your mind. It isn’t easy to study and manage everything else in life, but remember that the payoff will be worth it when you stick with it.
Make sure you set aside the time to study. Write down your goals and hang them in a visible place at home. Remind yourself daily why you’re in college and that your efforts will yield results. Work hard, and don’t give up.
Help Is Here
Sarah reminds students that when they need help, it’s easy to find. “I’ve never met anyone at FRCC who doesn’t want to help students,” she says. “This is a caring, supportive community, and the staff and instructors truly do want students to succeed! If you need something, just ask. Your advisor or a faculty member are a great place to start.”
Congratulations on taking the leap to begin your college journey this spring. Make this semester great. You’ve got this! And we’ve got you.