Getting a good job is not the only reason to go to college, although much public discussion seems to focus on this one goal. So let’s take a look at the job market in our part of Colorado.
Top 25 Careers for Community College Graduates
An economic forecasting agency recently projected the top 25 job categories in Adams, Boulder, Broomfield, and Larimer counties requiring a community college degree or certificate. EMSI – or Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. – ranked each industry segment by the number of employees, how fast it is growing, and how much it pays as a median hourly wage. Then it averaged those numbers. Here’s the top 25. As you can see by the links, FRCC offers pathways to many of these career fields.
- Registered Nurses
- Dental Hygienists
- Respiratory Therapists
- Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
- Paralegals and Legal Assistants
- Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers
- Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses
- Surgical Technologists (coming soon to the Westminster Campus)
- Physical Therapist Assistants
- Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians
- Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
- Radiation Therapists
- Mechanical Engineering Technicians
- Occupational Therapy Assistants
- Computer User Support Specialists
- Web Developers
- Radiologic Technologists
- Computer Network Support Specialists
- First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers
- Geological and Petroleum Technicians
- Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
- Nursing Assistants
- Massage Therapists
- Architectural and Civil Drafters
- Medical Assistants
The National Picture
A U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored website has a listing of occupations with the most job openings nationally for community college graduates through 2024. Some of the jobs listed above mesh with this list, and some other occupations with FRCC links also feature in this Top 25:
- Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education
- Veterinary Technologists and Technicians
- Civil Engineering Technicians
- Forest and Conservation Technicians
As you make choices about your educational and career path, it’s helpful to know what the job post-graduation landscape looks like. Don’t forget to pay a visit to the FRCC career services office at your campus to explore opportunities and employers, prepare for interviews, and find your dream job.