Dave Skiles, Geographic Information Systems faculty at Front Range Community College’s Boulder County Campus in Longmont, is FRCC’s Master Teacher of the Year.
He was recognized at a meeting of the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education.
In 1987, Skiles transitioned from a career as a research engineer to work with one of the first commercial geographic information systems (GIS) products.
By the early 2000s, Skiles, as a professional services manager, had achieved the respect of colleagues around the world, but something was missing. “I explored the idea of teaching because I discovered there was a need to teach others what I had learned. I wanted to help other people see the possibilities,” he says. In 2005, he joined FRCC’s Boulder County Campus
Skiles creates a stimulating classroom environment. A student wrote of Skiles, “He has shown a remarkable ability to connect with students of all ages and backgrounds. His excitement and knowledge are contagious.”
About Front Range Community College
FRCC offers nearly 100 degree and certificate programs from locations in Boulder County, Larimer County, Westminster, and Brighton, and online.
FRCC is a member of the Colorado Community College System, the state’s largest system of higher education. CCCS serves more than 162,000 students annually. The system oversees career and academic programs in the 13 state community colleges and career and technical programs in more than 160 school districts and six other post-secondary institutions.