In response to requests from industry, Front Range Community College will offer a Logistics Certificate at the Westminster Campus beginning with the spring semester in January 2015.
Registration is underway now. To register, go to www.frontrange.edu/getstarted.
Skills and training
The Logistics Certificate will give students the technical skills, proficiencies, and competencies to work in transportation, distribution, supply chain, staging, computer simulation, warehousing, purchasing, and inventory management.
Job opportunities and growth
“Our industry advisors tell us that they need people with these skills, and state and federal labor projections show strong job growth,” said Abel Coombs, MBA, JD, program director.
Indeed, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 22 percent increase in jobs nationally over the next eight years. The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment forecasts 158 job openings per year in Colorado for the next nine years.
“Earning the Logistics Certificate would be a great opportunity for a recent high school graduate,” Coombs said. “Other good candidates would be people already working in logistics. They have no certificate, and they want to advance their career.”
A student attending FRCC full time can complete the 15-credit Logistics Certificate in one semester at an approximate cost of $2,026. The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment reports that an entry-level logistician earns $49,390 per year.
A part-time option also is available by attending evening classes, to accommodate the time schedule of busy working professionals.
Certificate requirements
The courses in the certificate are BUS 201 Business Logistics Optimization, BUS 202 Purchase and Supply Logistics, BUS 217 Business Communication & Report Writing, BUS 218 Legal Environment of Business II, and MAN 105 Logistics Management. Each is a three-credit class.
For more information, contact Coombs at abel.coombs@frontrange.edu or (303) 404-5440.
About Front Range Community College
FRCC offers nearly 100 degree and certificate programs from locations in Boulder County, Larimer County, Westminster, and Brighton, and online.
FRCC is a member of the Colorado Community College System, the state’s largest system of higher education. CCCS serves more than 162,000 students annually. The system oversees career and academic programs in the 13 state community colleges and career and technical programs in more than 160 school districts and six other post-secondary institutions.