With the winter weather upon us, we’ve turned to our FRCC faculty and staff for some ideas on favorite wintertime activities. Whether you’re itching to get out of the house or hunker down inside, these may give you some inspiration.
Sandra Bergman: Each winter break while my kids are out of school we make a trip to the tubing hill in Fraser. When my kids were young they enjoyed riding on our laps in a tube or going down as a train. Now, as teen/tween they want to go as fast as possible. Afterwards we go to a local haunt for lunch or hot cocoa to warm up. These days with so many screens competing for our time, this has become a family tradition that I cherish.
Andy Caldwell: Each winter I go to a friend’s cabin in Taylor Park where we have to park a mile away, and pack in everything we need for our stay. While up there, I snowshoe about three miles up a trail to an old abandoned gold mine. Then, I change from snowshoes to XC skis and ski down. Some of my best memories have been made here.
Michaele Charles: I’ve enjoyed skiing since my family moved to Colorado when I was a tween, but in the past several years I have absolutely loved skiing with my two young kids. Last winter, they both turned the corner as “independent beginner” skiers, and my husband and I just loved seeing them have fun on the slopes. Although I’m skiing a lot more greens than in the pre-kids days, being together as a family is what it’s all about.
Lynn Dananay: One of my favorite wintertime activities is bundling up and taking a walk through newly fallen snow just before the sun rises. I love the peacefulness and quiet beauty. It is a beautiful time to reflect and pray.
Alex Geis: Each winter break I visit my family on the Oregon Coast. When the weather permits, I enjoy kayaking in the bay and taking in the awesome scenery! My family and I go to a local tree farm and select a tree to take home to decorate and stop by a local dock to pick up some fresh crab.
Joe Grobelny: My favorite wintertime activity involves a book and a fireplace. It’s nice to have nothing to disturb your reading as it’s supported by a cushion of warmth.
Beau Johnson: For the last 20 years, my family calls one another on Christmas Eve and sings our own edited versions of classic Christmas tunes. Every year, each family (spread across 5 states) re-writes words to a a song of their choosing, in which they graciously roast the other family members, themselves, and in general “rub-it-in” that each is having the best Christmas ever. Nobody is winning any Grammy’s, and it has been one of my favorite wintertime memories for the last two decades.
George Newman: With the snow lightly falling on the bare aspens and powdered fir trees I am struck by how much I enjoy winter, especially from the coziness of my warm house. I’ve lived in cold climates before. I’ve snowshoed, cross-country skied, ice skated. But nothing beats a hot cup of coffee after the sidewalk and driveway have been shoveled.
Annita Stansbury: My favorite winter time activity is catching up on a stack of novels that I have accumulated over the year. Books by Jean Auel (Clan of the Cave Bear), Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land), and Anthony Bourdain (Kitchen Confidential) top the list.
Kay Uhles: One of my favorite winter pastimes is to go where it’s warm. I am not a skier, which is probably not common for many who live in Colorado, but I am a flat-lander who moved here to be close to family. In past years, I’ve gone to Arizona; this year I am going to the Caribbean, which will be a welcome relief to the sub-zero temperatures of this December.
Sarah Valdivia: During winter one of my favorite things to do is to help clear the snow off the driveways and sidewalks in our neighborhood. I know that sounds strange, but it is a simple gesture that reminds us of what a strong community we live in, and how the little things can really brighten someone’s day. We all act like little kids trying to clear off someone’s driveway for them before they make it outside, only to find the next time it snows, that someone has cleared ours to return the favor. Since we are all tucked away indoors for most of the winter, it is nice to be outside together, sharing some conversation and a smile.