Sandy Veltri has been appointed Vice President of Academic and Student Services at Front Range Community College.
Veltri will provide leadership in the college and the state as FRCC’s chief academic officer/student services officer. She will oversee FRCC’s Online Learning and Workforce Development programs as well as academic and student support functions such as instructor credentialing and the Registrar’s Office.
During more than 20 years at Trinidad State Junior College (TSJC), Veltri was an accounting faculty member, dean, and vice president. Her most recent duties as vice president of student and academic affairs at TSJC included overseeing academic and career/technical education faculty, admissions, advising, and financial aid. On the national level, Veltri is a peer evaluator/consultant on behalf of the Higher Learning Commission and visits community colleges that are requesting new accreditation and re-accreditation status.
Veltri has an Associate of Arts and an Associate of Applied Science from TSJC, a Bachelor of Arts in business administration from Loretto Heights College, a Master of Education in vocational education from Colorado State University, and a Ph.D. in educational and human resources studies from Colorado State University.