State Awards Recognize Best, Brightest Community College Students

The Colorado Community College System is honoring 16 FRCC students—and their peers around the state—for their inspiring academic and personal achievements.
The Colorado Community College System is honoring 16 FRCC students—and their peers around the state—for their inspiring academic and personal achievements.
CCCS honors 16 FRCC students—and peers around the state—for their inspiring achievements. The Colorado Community College System (CCCS) this month paid tribute to top students from schools around the state during a virtual ceremony for the system’s 2020 Student Excellence Awards. Sixteen distinguished students from Front Range Community College were chosen for this year’s honor. […]
Eight Front Range Community College students are members of the All-Colorado Academic Team. They received medallions and other awards from the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education. The team recognizes high-achieving students who demonstrate academic excellence and intellectual rigor, combined with leadership and service that extends their education beyond the classroom to benefit […]
Over my years at Front Range, the more students I meet, the more I know there is no “typical student.” But there are exceptional students, in countless numbers. What’s typical when you enroll students right out of high school, students still in high school, students who took time in the workforce, students who want to […]
If you’ve seen me around campus lately, you may have noticed that I’ve been wearing a green wristband with the word “Commit” on it in big, bold letters. What’s this all about? Three years ago, Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges, launched the Community College Completion Core (better known as C4). […]
I always enjoy celebrating our students at Front Range Community College. Last month, I had the opportunity to share a table with the five FRCC students who were named to the 2013 Phi Theta Kappa All-Colorado Academic Team—an impressive group of individuals: Joseph Bellis returned to college after a serious surgery inspired him to change […]
Front Range Community College President Andrew Dorsey has received a Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction from Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for community colleges. The award recognizes outstanding efforts given toward promoting the goals of Phi Theta Kappa. FRCC has Phi Theta Kappa chapters at its Boulder County, Larimer, and Westminster campuses. […]