Martin Luther King: Still an “Inconvenient Hero?”

As we honor the late Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., on January 20, it seems particularly appropriate to reconsider King’s vision for our nation.
As we honor the late Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., on January 20, it seems particularly appropriate to reconsider King’s vision for our nation.
During the month of February, we honor the achievements of Black Americans and recognize their important role in all aspects of our society. Learn more…
On this MLK Day, many of us are thinking about the problems our country still faces with regard to race, civil rights and equity. Here at FRCC, a major focus for us is ensuring that the open, affordable access we provide to education gives all students what they need to succeed. We serve all people […]
As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to look to our past—as well as to the future. Read about the achievements of these great Black Americans.
When you read the essay a young Martin Luther King wrote in his college newspaper, it’s easy to see the foundation for the renowned orator he would soon become.
Most of us are eager to leave the last year far behind—and 2021 isn’t showing much improvement so far. But there are some important lessons we’ve learned from the events of 2020, and Martin Luther King Day seems an appropriate time to reflect on those. As FRCC’s president Andy Dorsey wrote to students over the […]
In honor of Martin Luther King Day this year, let’s take a few minutes to focus on equity in education. Looking back, you can read excerpts below from a few historical documents related to desegregating schools—including Dr. King’s own words on the subject. Looking forward, there’s still work to be done to achieve educational equity. […]
February is Black History Month, a great opportunity to celebrate African Americans’ many achievements throughout U.S. history. Since 1976, this annual celebration has recognized the contributions of black Americans to our country. Here are five important things to know about this meaningful commemoration: It Started as a Week. In 1915, Harvard-educated historian Carter G. Woodson […]