Alumna Finds Her Path in Math—While Building a Strong Career Base

Zoey never thought she’d go to college. Working full time, unsure of her path and barely making ends meet, she felt stuck . Then she found a community—and her path—at FRCC.
Zoey never thought she’d go to college. Working full time, unsure of her path and barely making ends meet, she felt stuck . Then she found a community—and her path—at FRCC.
Couple Graduates from CU Boulder, Starts Their Careers When Lana Milijasevic and Josh Ruchwarger enrolled separately in a biology class at Front Range Community College in 2016, they didn’t expect to find love. “I spotted Josh pretty early in the semester, but he always went to class and then left campus to go to work, […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has derailed many students’ plans, and perhaps you have struggled with what to do. If going to a four-year college or university is your goal, you’re in luck: FRCC has a specific University Transfer Track that will help you get where you want to go and save a lot of money while […]
Did you know that many students come to FRCC with the intent of transferring somewhere else to earn their bachelor’s degrees? And did you know that transferring is so common (and supported) that Colorado has a statewide agreement making it easier? Keep reading for the answers to 10 frequently asked questions about transferring to four-year […]
A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S…talk about a lot of acronyms! What do they all mean? Hopefully this will help you break it down. In most cases, it’s easy peasy: if it’s got 2 letters, it’s a transfer degree. If it’s got 3 letters, it’s a technical degree. Basically, we separate it into those two tracks. I […]
CJ Kolberdanz’s agricultural roots go deep. A great-grandfather was the right-hand man for W.C. Harris, a “cattle baron” in the 19th century.
CJ herself is partial to horses, learning to ride almost as soon as she learned to walk.
A degree from the University of Colorado Denver can begin at one of the Colorado Community College System campuses under a new program called the CC to CU Denver Admission Promise. The program will provide joint admission at a Colorado Community College and the University of Colorado Denver as well as on-campus advising from the University of Colorado Denver and from the Colorado Community Colleges as part of guaranteed seamless transfer between the institutions.
Chelsey Jernigan knows about overcoming challenges. At the age of four, Chelsey’s temporary tracheotomy was made permanent. She grew up attending a school for the deaf, using sign language to communicate a majority of the time. At 14, her vocal cords were removed.