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5 Steps to Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter

The days are getting shorter and cooler, geese are flying, and leaves are crunching underfoot. It’s my favorite time of the year. Fall is wonderful, but that means winter is just around the corner. Now is the time to get your car ready for winter. Don’t panic, it’s not too hard. Cars today are wonderful […]

CU-Denver Makes Joint Admission Promise for Colorado Community College System Graduates

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A degree from the University of Colorado Denver can begin at one of the Colorado Community College System campuses under a new program called the CC to CU Denver Admission Promise. The program will provide joint admission at a Colorado Community College and the University of Colorado Denver as well as on-campus advising from the University of Colorado Denver and from the Colorado Community Colleges as part of guaranteed seamless transfer between the institutions.

Faculty Feature: Teaching is the Finest Contribution I Can Make to Society

If you think pulling all-nighters during finals week is something only college students do, think again. John Sullivan, who has been teaching at Front Range Community College since 1988, pulls an all-nighter or two every semester.

Yes, more than a dozen years beyond earning his Ph.D. from the National University of Ireland, John is up all night grading papers and preparing for class. That’s commitment to the job, and, some would say, being in solidarity with his students. He is working while they are studying.

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