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ARCHIVE | Tag: college & career success

From Teen Mother to College Graduate

FRCC graduate, Michelle Finch

At the age of 16, Michelle Finch had her first child. It was the best thing that ever happened to her. “I was going down a bad path, and having a child truly changed my life for the positive,” says Michelle. “I started thinking about my baby and what I wanted for our future.” Michelle’s […]

Why Go to College Close to Home?

When David Strathman graduated from Poudre High School, he didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do – and didn’t want to waste money at an expensive college while he figured it out. After a positive orientation meeting at Front Range (where he won a three-credit scholarship) he figured he’d give FRCC a try. It’s […]

Cartographer Returns for Associate Degree

Chad Garfield

It was a meeting as comfortable as when friends get together. Colin Garfield met up with FRCC faculty Chad Kerst. It was former student and professor, each interested in each other’s lives. Praise for Philosophy Faculty Chad Kerst After he graduated from Front Range, Colin wrote an email to President Andy Dorsey about the great […]

See the Payoff for Higher Education

Chart showing median first year earnings for different degrees. A.A.S. earns the most at close to $60,000.

New research shows earning an associate degree here in Colorado is a great investment. A new website, Colorado’s Economic Success Measures, allows students to examine the earnings of graduates from Colorado colleges and universities. With a few clicks, you can see what your degree might yield (from a salary perspective) immediately after graduation – and […]

Attending FRCC is a Family Tradition

The Murray family has always been close, so when second-to-youngest Courtney couldn’t stop talking about the fun she was having at Front Range Community College, it rubbed off on her siblings. Courtney (age 24), her sister, Chelsea (31), and her brother, Logan (18), were all homeschooled growing up. For Courtney, the flexibility was ideal because […]

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