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Front Range Community College Blog

How to Get an FRCC Scholarship with a Killer Essay

The FRCC Foundation is giving away $500,000 in scholarships! When it comes to writing the perfect scholarship essay, a great deal of advice and resources are available, especially on the Internet. However, when it comes to writing your essay for an FRCC Foundation scholarship, there are three specific questions that must be answered. A killer […]

From Teen Mother to College Graduate

FRCC graduate, Michelle Finch

At the age of 16, Michelle Finch had her first child. It was the best thing that ever happened to her. “I was going down a bad path, and having a child truly changed my life for the positive,” says Michelle. “I started thinking about my baby and what I wanted for our future.” Michelle’s […]

9 Ways to be Successful in Online Classes

This should be my final term with FRCC. Having completed 5 terms prior to this one, with each one consisting of a minimum of one online course, I have the following advice to offer to online students: 1) Check D2L DAILY. Your instructors can, and some WILL, change due dates and assignment criteria. These updates […]

Our Campus Has Its Own Spin On TED Talks

text image that says FRED, Interact, share, inspire

First came TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks – events designed to showcase ideas from a broad variety of disciplines that matter to society as a whole. TED Talks allow speakers and attendees to interact, share ideas, and draw inspiration from each other. Now, we have FRED (Front Range Educational Discussions) Talks – designed to showcase […]

Why Commit to Complete Your Degree?

If you’ve seen me around campus lately, you may have noticed that I’ve been wearing a green wristband with the word “Commit” on it in big, bold letters. What’s this all about? Three years ago, Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges, launched the Community College Completion Core (better known as C4). […]

Mobile Apps for College Students

Here at FRCC, we are aware that it is, in fact the 21st century, and that your smartphone might be your only actual computer! So here is a list of apps you can use in college that make it possible to do a lot of coursework without being chained to a computer. Research and Citations: […]

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