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ARCHIVE | Category: Home, Health, Life Tips

First Generation American Students

Back in December, I wrote a post about my wonderfully diverse neighborhood and the interesting people of all different heritages who live around me. One of those families is from India, and they have a young son that my children enjoy playing with. As we ride scooters and play soccer in the yard, it’s been […]

8 Tips to Get out of College Debt Free

Yes, it’s possible to get out college without student loans – if you’re willing to work, save, and be resourceful. Why am I so sure? Because I did it myself! When I went off to Colorado State, I was a practical, numbers-oriented girl (still am) and the word “loans” gave me cold sweats. As much […]

How a Young Family can Save for College

I have two children, a 2 year-old and 3 month-old, so why am I already thinking about college you may ask. After all, I’m still 16 years away from my daughter stepping through the doors of higher education. I’ll tell you why. A highly competitive and educated workforce. Colorado is one of the most competitive […]

Before Filing Your Tax Returns, Follow These 7 Tips

Hands filling out tax form

The deadline for filing your 2011 tax returns is about a month away. If you haven’t started work on your returns or haven’t filed yet, it pays to keep in mind these important tax-saving, money-saving, and stress-saving tips: File electronically. Say no to money advances, refund anticipation checks, and other financial products with high fees. […]

14 Tips for a Fun and Safe Spring Break

Whether you are heading to Costa Rica for spring break or just staying close to home, it’s important to review some steps you can take to prevent your safety from being compromised.  Before you leave town for Spring Break. Leave an itinerary with someone. This should include travel routes or flight numbers, dates of arrival […]

Why Do We Have Leap Years?

Every four years, we have a U.S. presidential election. In that same year, we also have a Summer Olympics. Not coincidentally, that year also is a leap year, a year with 366 days rather than 365. Why is this? Can’t we make a better calendar? To understand why we need leap years, we must first […]

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