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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

6 Things Every Veteran College Student Should Know

soldier holding books

So, you’d like to attend College, and you plan to use your GI-Bill? College Veteran Services representatives can help you navigate the application, enrollment and registration process to help you meet your academic and career goals.  They can also put you in touch with the right resources at the college, as well and in your […]

Ways to get Involved at College

Most community college students are focused on their studies, work, and family, but college is also a time to make new friends, explore extracurricular interests, and try on leadership roles. In addition to all the learning you do in the classroom—whether online or face-to-face—you can also learn by getting involved on campus! College offers students […]

From Biostatistics to Equine Management

Well rounded might be the term to describe Bill Pelkey, but others might call him a jack of many trades, a guy who craves learning, and above all, an interesting and interested person. By the time Bill came to FRCC in 2009, he had already had several careers—as a police officer, police academy director, university […]

Student Loans: Be Careful What You Borrow

When you get your financial aid award notice, isn’t it tempting to “accept” the entire amount of your loan? For just a moment, you can imagine all the things you could do with the extra loan money. You could buy a new laptop. Work fewer hours. Fix your car. But wait—someday you will have to […]

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