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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

Steps to VA Certification for Veteran Students

Heading back to school can be an overwhelming task for any one, no doubt. Student veterans attending colleges today have even more school responsibilities than those of their traditional classmates. This is mostly due to the fact that many veterans come home eligible for some sort of VA educational benefit. VA educational benefits provide a […]

SBDC Helps Artist Learn How To Market Her Work

After 25 years in northern Colorado as a graphic artist, copywriter, and greeting card designer, Cydney Springer put down the computer mouse and took up an artist’s paintbrush. With two years of study under other artists and a lifetime of interest in painting, she set out to capture the beauty and awe of Colorado landscapes. […]

Developmental English Classes Prepare Students for College: What You Need to Know about CCR

College Composition and Reading (aka CCR) is Front Range Community College’s pathway to success for developmental readers and writers. Students placed into CCR by their Accuplacer scores must complete (or take at the same time) the CCR requirement before registering for most college-level courses. Because of this “co-requisite” requirement, it is important to know what […]

What is an A.A.S. Degree?

Another acronym, right? Yes—but we’re going to break it down so you know what it means to you! It is one of four degree types offered at a community college – and one of the most popular. It stands for an Associate of Applied Science degree. Now let’s break it down. Associate: 2-year degree An […]

Life’s Journey Makes FRCC Graduate Stronger

Tizita Tadesse’s journey starts in Ethiopia, where she was born. Her family – her parents and two older siblings – moved to a refugee camp in Kenya. Then the family moved to Sioux Falls, S.D., thanks to the sponsorship of the First Presbyterian Church. After Kenya, South Dakota All this in Tizita’s first two years […]

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