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ARCHIVE | Category: College Students

8 Tips to Get out of College Debt Free

Yes, it’s possible to get out college without student loans – if you’re willing to work, save, and be resourceful. Why am I so sure? Because I did it myself! When I went off to Colorado State, I was a practical, numbers-oriented girl (still am) and the word “loans” gave me cold sweats. As much […]

14 Tips for a Fun and Safe Spring Break

Whether you are heading to Costa Rica for spring break or just staying close to home, it’s important to review some steps you can take to prevent your safety from being compromised.  Before you leave town for Spring Break. Leave an itinerary with someone. This should include travel routes or flight numbers, dates of arrival […]

How to Talk with Your College Instructors

When I was a faculty member, some of the most important conversations I had with students didn’t happen in the classroom; they happened during my office hours, in the hall, or even the cafeteria. But I am always surprised by how often students never asked me, or other teachers for help, even when they really […]

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