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ARCHIVE | Category: College Students

4 Tips on Transferring to a University

As I am finishing up my Associates of Arts degree and preparing to transfer to CU Denver, I have learned a few things along the way that I think would help out anyone interested in transferring. 1. Meeting with advisors can save you time and money. Advisors both at Front Range and at the university […]

International Student Prepares for Masters Degree

Alberto Lopez Dayer’s life got turned upside down when he was a student majoring in aeronautical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in Spain. His senior year, he met his future wife, who was teaching in a bilingual elementary school in Madrid through the North American Language and Culture Assistants in Spain program. Alberto had a year left of school and …

8 Reasons to Take Summer Classes

The warmer weather is a reminder that summer is just around the corner! With summer comes lots of opportunities to embrace all that Colorado has to offer—outdoor adventures, trips to the mountains, concerts, and plenty of sunshine. But have you ever thought about taking a summer class or two as an option? Here are eight […]

How to Prepare for a Research Assignment

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. This week in April is often a time when college students across the country are working on writing and research projects. If you’re working on a research project, the College […]

6 Ways to Study Smarter – Not Harder

When I was in high school, my dad was always telling me to “work smarter, not harder.” I rolled my eyes at this advice at the time, but now I see the wisdom in his words. If you’re going to spend two hours on a Thursday night studying for your history exam, doesn’t it make […]

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