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ARCHIVE | Category: College Students

Not All Good Jobs Require a Bachelor’s Degree

Jobs ahead sign

Not to denigrate bachelor’s degrees – I’ve got one – but there are 30 million good jobs nationally that don’t require one, a recent report from the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University indicates. This report – Good Jobs that Pay Without a BA – adds some fodder and solid research to […]

Senator Bennet Visit Highlights FRCC Machining Program

Senator Bennet

When U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, D-Colo., recently asked about visiting Front Range Community College’s Precision Machining program, Director George Newman helped arrange a gathering to highlight collaboration between education and business. It’s a strategy that has been key to the program’s success. “We contacted a business that we work closely with, and they arranged a […]

4 Great Ways to Remember What You Learn

woman student studying at a library

Studying is a big part of college, but it can be difficult to make things stick when you’re trying to remember information for multiple classes. Like most endeavors, practice makes perfect. Here are four tips to improve your memory while studying for a test or quiz, or simply to prepare for tomorrow’s class: Set up […]

Must-Use Resources for College Students

WC- Library

Coming into Front Range Community College (FRCC) for the first time I was unaware of the vast amount of resources that were available to me as a student. Walking around campus and actually paying attention to my surroundings, noticing signs hung up on bulletin boards, Student Life, followed by the incredible amount of staff willing […]

Why Budget?

Why Budget

You’ve probably heard people discuss budgeting many times. Do any of these sound familiar? “I don’t need to budget; I know how much money I have.” “I don’t have the time!” “It’s too much work to keep records of everything.” While all of these have some truth, budgeting is a strong, life-long skill that can […]

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