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ARCHIVE | Category: College Students

SEVEN FRCC STUDENTS GET GOVERNOR’S SERVICE AWARD for providing free tax help to local families with incomes under $55,000


Westminster, Colo. –IRS-certified students helped 807 local people with their tax paperwork this year free of charge at Front Range Community College’s Westminster Campus. This assistance resulted in more than $1.4 million in federal and state tax refunds for area residents. The college’s Tax Help Colorado volunteers went above and beyond the call of duty—providing […]

Six Reasons to Build Your Network in College

Your time in college is meant to prepare you for your future career. No matter what field you’re in, there’s one building block that’s critically important as you progress throughout your career—your professional network. As you work, you’ll make lots of new connections with colleagues, bosses, mentors, and others—and those relationships will benefit you in […]

Eight FRCC Students Earn Places on All-Colorado Academic Team

Eight Front Range Community College students are members of the All-Colorado Academic Team. They received medallions and other awards from the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education. The team recognizes high-achieving students who demonstrate academic excellence and intellectual rigor, combined with leadership and service that extends their education beyond the classroom to benefit […]

Tax Tips for College Students

Tax Day (April 15) is just around the corner. Have you done your tax homework? If not, time is of the essence. Here’s a quick to-do list to make sure you file your taxes on time: Gather the Tax Documents You’ve Received in the Mail. Generally, that’s anything that has been sent to you marked […]

Five Study Tips to Help You Succeed in College

Man studying

Most college students know that going to class and studying are essential for earning good grades and getting the most out of college. But exactly how should you study? Hint: Ditch the highlighters and embrace methods that are proven to guide students toward academic success. Here are five study tips that will help you master […]

Six Things to Do When College Gets Hard

Nobody ever said college would be easy! There are times you will feel stressed, lost, and overwhelmed. Here’s the good news: You’re not the first student to have these feelings. And even more important, you can get through anything if you embrace the right mindset. Here are six tips on how to push through hard […]

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