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ARCHIVE | Category: College Students

Back on Campus This Fall

Students in hallway at FRCC

FRCC plans to return to in-person learning for fall semester. It has been a year since the beginning of a global pandemic that has changed so much about the way we live our lives. I know that all of us—students, faculty, and staff—have been waiting for a return to life before the pandemic. I am […]

Recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Take Back the Night (moon graphic)

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), an annual event led by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC). This campaign to educate and engage the public in addressing the widespread issue of sexual assault is now in its 20th year of spreading awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment and abuse. Its mission is […]

Nursing Students Help Vaccinate Thousands of People

FRCC Nursing Students at Vaccine Clinic

Students in FRCC’s associate degree in nursing programs are helping on the front line with COVID-19 vaccinations. Over the last couple of months, our nursing students have helped vaccinate more than 3,000 people in the communities we serve—from Denver to Fort Collins and beyond. While FRCC’s use of simulations and clinical rotations in local hospitals […]

Your New Favorite Holiday

FRCC Math Teachers on Pi Day 2019

What special holiday is celebrated near the middle of March?  Chances are you’re thinking of a day involving shamrocks, pots of gold and green attire. And yes, while that is one holiday to celebrate in mid-March, there’s another special day you may be forgetting to put on the calendar. This holiday is celebrated by mathematicians, […]

Six Ideas for a Staycation Spring Break

Cartoon of car packed up for road trip

Spring break is coming up for FRCC and many other schools. So if you’re excited for the downtime but on a budget—or not comfortable flying anywhere during a global pandemic—we’ve got some great news. You live in a beautiful place with lots to do! If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that we’re […]

FRCC Celebrates Open Education Week

Open Education Week 2021 Logo

Colleges and universities around the world are promoting the concept of open education this week—in an effort to expand educational opportunities for all people. At the center of this movement is the belief that education is strengthened when it is openly shared. Open education “encompasses resources, tools and practices that employ a framework of open sharing […]

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