FRCC Student Gets National Recognition from “Achieving the Dream”

Student Ashley Valdez-Ibarra has been chosen as one of just 8 students nationwide—and the only Gateway to College student in the US—as a 2022 DREAM Scholar.
Student Ashley Valdez-Ibarra has been chosen as one of just 8 students nationwide—and the only Gateway to College student in the US—as a 2022 DREAM Scholar.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We hope you’ll join us this month in raising awareness and supporting survivors.
Looking to just take a few classes? FRCC has a good number of guest students. Learn about the benefits of being a guest student and how to get started!
A number of bills are currently circulating around the US aimed at regulating how educators talk about racism, sexism and issues of systemic inequality.
As we honor women’s history, it’s important to look at our past—as well as the future. So we spent some time researching the achievements of these pioneers.
Students in FRCC’s theatre program will perform the very first in-person production of the new award-winning play “14” by playwright and novelist Amy Crider.
Supporting yourself as an artist takes more than just talent and passion. It takes dedication—and a quality education is a strong foundation too.
FRCC has been working on open ed projects in a wide variety of courses and subjects. These efforts save students money on textbooks—along with other benefits.