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ARCHIVE | Author: Michaele Charles

A Facilitator of the Learning Process

When her children were young, Marty Gonzales was an avid volunteer in her daughters’ school and numerous activities. But it was her work with the Mile High Girl Scouts Council that made her realize she wanted more schooling than the bachelor’s degree in business she’d earned a decade earlier at the University of Colorado at […]

Get a Jumpstart on College in High School

Ever heard of concurrent enrollment? These days, it’s very common for high school students to enroll in college classes and earn both high school and college credit. The good news for parents is that research shows that students who do so are more likely to attend college and earn slightly higher GPAs as college students. […]

International Student Prepares for Masters Degree

Alberto Lopez Dayer’s life got turned upside down when he was a student majoring in aeronautical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in Spain. His senior year, he met his future wife, who was teaching in a bilingual elementary school in Madrid through the North American Language and Culture Assistants in Spain program. Alberto had a year left of school and …

First Generation American Students

Back in December, I wrote a post about my wonderfully diverse neighborhood and the interesting people of all different heritages who live around me. One of those families is from India, and they have a young son that my children enjoy playing with. As we ride scooters and play soccer in the yard, it’s been […]

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