Student Kaytlen Archuleta is switching careers—from hair stylist to health care professional.
FRCC student Kaytlen Archuleta has always been a nurturer at heart.
“Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been told that I was like the mom of the group,” she recalls. “I’ve always loved to care for and help people.”
Kaytlen was raised by a single mom who taught her from day one that she needed to work for what she wanted. As the only girl in her family, she grew up surrounded by boys.
“Because of that, I grew up being told that I should never take ‘no’ for an answer,” she says. “I also grew up knowing that I had to work for everything myself.”
Tough Teenage Years
Tragedy touched Kaytlen’s life in high school, including several deaths in her family. She also suffers from an autoimmune disease, and she eventually ended up dropping out.
She ultimately returned to school and graduated from Pathways High School in Thornton—an alternative high school for students who left school without graduating. She’s grateful for the second chance it gave her.
“Some of us may have failed out of high school either because of a family issue or teen pregnancies,” she remembers. “But Pathways is a school that genuinely helps kids.”
Exploring Careers

When Kaytlen finished high school, she had a yearning to do something creative—so she decided to become a hairstylist. “I did hair for six years but finally I just decided that’s not where my drive was anymore.”
“It wasn’t where my passion was,” she says. “My passion is helping people and caring for people and being able to be with people during their most vulnerable times.”
Helping Others
Having been through a lot in her own personal life, Kaytlen remembers nurses who helped her during some of her toughest times. “I recall nurses who made me feel special and made me feel better in the most vulnerable points in my life.”
“A lot of of my past is definitely a motivator to continue to push forward towards my goals,” she says. “I know that this world can be a scary place. I know that kindness is not always easy to come by.”
“I went through a lot when I was a kid, and I went through a lot when I was in high school. And no matter what, I always knew that the nurses were the ones who would be there.”
Strong Motivation
Kaytlen now hopes to be that shoulder for others to lean on. “I want to be that person who is kind and warm, who is able to be there for people around our community.”
“I also love hands-on work,” she adds. “In the end, I want to be somebody who can stand next to my patients and tell them that everything is going to be OK, even in the scariest and most vulnerable moments of their life. That’s why I want to be a nurse.”
A College That Understands Students
Kaytlen says she chose Front Range even before she was planning to study nursing. “At first, I was going to go to school for business and then realized I absolutely hated that,” she laughs.
Now a student in the nursing program at FRCC, she appreciates that the college understands not everyone is a “cookie cutter” student.
Flexible, Career-Focused Coursework
“Not every person is going to want to do a four-year school,” she stresses. “A lot of people want to go to a technical school or get a technical degree to make sure that they can also have a career that they love and that they are happy in.”
“Front Range makes this possible for so many of us.”
Kaytlen says she’s very excited to be in school at FRCC. “It’s flexible, and the economy right now is not easy with school and I’m a full-time student and a full-time worker.”
Going Beyond an Associate Degree
She would eventually like to transfer to a four-year university—her dream is going to CU Denver’s Anschutz campus. “I’ve always wanted to have the black and gold behind me. I love sporting the [FRCC] blue, but I also know that this is the bridge to get me to CU’s program and to get me to where I need to be.”
That said, now that FRCC offers a bachelor’s degree in nursing, Kaytlen is also considering completing her bachelor’s degree here because she wouldn’t have to go through the process of transferring.
“Front Range makes it a lot more affordable for the average student,” she says. “For somebody who didn’t grow up with all of the money and all of the tools in their pocket, Front Range is giving me the tools I need to be successful in life.”
A Little Help From the FRCC Foundation
Kaytlen is the grateful recipient of a scholarship from the FRCC Foundation—the school’s fundraising arm. “I’m excited that I got this scholarship because it pushes me forward in my journey toward reaching my goals.”
She plans to eventually earn a master’s degree and become a nurse practitioner. “I’d like to focus on women’s health and also gender affirming care.”
Kaytlen says the scholarship will help her get there. “I decided I wanted a change of careers and I’m thankful that I got this scholarship because it takes away some of the financial burden.”
Scholarships Provide Opportunity
She points out that scholarships are critical for many students. “The economy today is scary,” she adds. “This scholarship makes college possible for not just me—but also for other students to be able to achieve their goals and to accomplish what they want to do.”
Kaytlen says her passion for healthcare and caring for people stems from love. “I am passionate about changing somebody’s day by just being there and serving as an advocate for my patients,” she says. “It truly fills my cup to be able to see somebody have a smile on their face because I was there to help.”
“As a future nurse, I want to be an advocate, a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a touch that can warm the soul.”
Kaytlen says that, with help from the FRCC Foundation, she now has the chance make her dream a reality. “I want to be a nurse. And because of this opportunity, I’m going to become a nurse.”
If you want to help more students like Kaytlen in reach their higher education dreams, consider supporting scholarship funding through the FRCC Foundation.