Faculty member reminds us to recognize the heroes around us.
As we celebrate our graduates this spring, we hear many powerful stories about their experience—both in college and in life. More often than not, they’re stories of overcoming significant obstacles to reach their dreams.
During our graduation ceremonies, we get to hear from some of these students, as well as an FRCC professor and a community member with ties to the college. We call them our “Voices.” This week, were sharing several of their speeches with you here.
We hope you learn something worthwhile from each our our graduation voices.
Martha Caron, Biology Faculty
Tonight, I want to ask you a question. What do you think of when you hear the word hero?
Do you immediately think of your favorite super hero jumping into action and saving the world from the evils within it? Or do you think of someone closer to home like the teenager who ran into a burning building with no thought for himself to save a family? Or maybe someone even closer to home like your mom, dad, sister or brother who have inspired you?
Good evening graduates, faculty, family members and friends. My name is Dr. Martha Caron, biology faculty here at Front Range and recipient of the full-time faculty 2022/2023 Teaching Excellence Award.
Everyday Heroes
When I think of the word hero, the first thing that comes to my mind is my students, who are everyday heroes. I hear so many stories about their lives:
- from working full time while going to school full time to give themselves a stronger future
- to raising a new baby or multiple children while attending school so they can give their children a better life
- to those that are caring for a loved one be it a grandmother, mother or younger siblings while they attend Front Range to provide their family members a better life
- to those that have already gone down one career path and have decided to come back to school and completely change their career because they want to help others in a way they have not previously been able to.
Our Front Range students are my heroes, showing up every day for classes on time (well… mostly on time!), working hard to study and persevering through some of the hardest years higher education has ever faced. These students are you, and you and you!
Whatever you have faced to get you to this point or the decisions you made to put you on this path, we honor you tonight—for showing us your grit and your determination to do whatever it took to get you here.
Help Along the Way
I hope that when you think of the word hero you will look around the room and see some of your heroes who have helped you along the way to get to this night.
I know many heroes who work tirelessly day in and day out at Front Range to help their students in any way they can. I want to honor them tonight for all that that they have done to continuously offer an exceptional education through extremely difficult circumstances over your time at Front Range.
I see other heroes in our midst who have come to support us tonight and have supported you throughout your journey. Family and friends who kept you on your path, encouraged you when it was hard and are now here to cheer you on in your success. We see you, Heroes, and we honor you!
Advice for Graduates
As you go forward from tonight, whether you know the path that you have chosen or you are still working on finding it, believe in your dream and know that you have gained the skills to make it happen.
If you don’t readily see your path, figure out how to create it, or forge a new path that you may never have seen yourself venturing down. You are strong, you are resilient and you will persevere.
Know that we here at Front Range will be here for you—for advice, for encouragement or just to catch up. You are family now and we can’t wait to see what you will do.
Take an opportunity after the ceremony to thank your heroes for all they have done to help you get here tonight. And most importantly wherever you go, remember to be a hero to those around you. The world needs more heroes!